Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hi, big world! I am Cath, and this is not my first attempt at creating and, more importantly, continuing a blog. I love the idea of blogs. The free thought. The creativity. The connection to others. I just let other things and my lazy, daisy ways overcome my desire to log in and type a few things about my life. This time is different.

I am trying my hardest to become an organized person. I do okay. I just am not as organized as my vision of who I am is. So this year I am devoting time to this task. I hope to use this blog as a planning device and record. So, this is the first tool of my new blog.

Second, I want to spend more time creating crafts, sewing projects, handiwork in general. Getting organized has to be the first step. I feel tremendous anxiety if I try to work in a messy space. However, I have amassed a large reserve of vintage and new craft items over the years and I feel now is the time to take them off display and out of the beautiful jars and baskets. They must become something. This is the year.

Blog, dear, blog. You will be my spot to dwell on plans, reach out to others, and celebrate my achievements in photos. Welcome, readers!